Thursday, June 2, 2011

Finally getting the swing of things!

This week, for the first time since Brennan was born, I feel like I have a handle on things.  First off, Brennan is starting to get into a more predictable routine (YAY).  He has always been a great sleeper at night, but during the day, his naps became only 15-20 mins at a time, which is not a restorative sleep.  So, I tried to sleep train him, by using the book "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child."  I bought this book to help with Tanner's naps when he was 5 months old.  Tanner was soooooooo hard to get to sleep during the day.  I would rock him for 30 mins only to have him sleep for 20.  So.....I bought the book and followed the "cry it out" technique for naps.  It work, and Tanner has been a champion sleeper ever since!  Naturally, I thought Mr. Brennan would take to it as easily as Tanner.  Well......I was wrong.  In the book, it says to do whatever routine you choose for naps, be consistent, then lay them down in their cribs to sleep.  They should sleep for an hour, ideally.  If not, you can let them try to "cry it out" and get to sleep (or back to sleep) for an hour.  So I tried it with Brennan.  It did not go well.  He cried so hard for the entire hour, which broke my heart to hear.  :(  After a few days of doing it this way, it was still not getting much better. Then I tried to go in after he woke up (15 mins after laying in crib) and give him his paci.  No picking him up, no eye contact.  It worked!  He went back to sleep for 30 mins!!  I did it again, and he went back to sleep for another 30 mins!  Then today, his naps have been 45-60 mins each!  Hooray!!!  :)
Since he has been napping longer, I have been able to get more done.  I cleaned the whole kitchen this week.  And I mean CLEANED!! I scrubbed the baseboards, washed the walls, and dusted the laundry room.  Go me!!!  I have also given in to the fact that Brennan may be my last baby and is my baby now so, I may as well enjoy this time instead of hoping for the next phase to come.  So I have decided that I am going to wear him more.  I am still getting the hang of the Moby, but so far, I really like it.  I like having him so close to me, he likes it, and I have my hands free!  I have not taken the boys shopping by myself yet.  With Tanner sitting in the front of the cart, and Brennan's car seat in the back part, there is no more room for the stuff I am buying!  So, I put Brennan in the Moby and Tanner in the cart and headed to my fav. store-Target!!  It went great!  I got many smiles from others moms and an older man commented on "my contraption."  Hehe!!
Mr. Tanner finished school last week.  On the last day, his class had an awards ceremony where all of the students got recognized for something.  Tanner got "Most Athletic"  (Bobby was so proud)  His teacher said he is always throwing or rolling a ball!  He misses school already, every morning he says "School, yeah, school, yeah."  I am so glad that we decided to sign him up for preschool, he has really blossomed.  It is really fun driving around with him now.  He is obsessed with anything with wheels.  He loves to point out lawnmowers, airplanes, motorcycles, etc.  He has also started to notice landmarks, like the big baseball at the Knights Stadium.  Now whenever I say we are going in the car, he says "biiiiiiiig bawl,"  hoping to see the baseball.  He has also become quite the singer.  He loves to sing "Baa baa black sheep, Itsy Bitsy Spider, The Wheels on the Bus, the Elmo song (kill me), and random ones that he makes up that have Mommy, Daddy, Deeeeedeeee, and monmowers (lawnmowers).  Memorial day was also Papa's (Bobby's dad) birthday, so we went to High Point to surprise him.  Bobby took Tanner in the pool and he took to it right away.  He has always liked baths and the water, but this was the first time that he could really "swim" with the floaties on.  He was booking it and loved to jump in from the side and even the diving board a few times.  What a daredevil.  :/  Mommy's not too happy about that one!
Next week, I get all four of my wisdom teeth taken out, again, I'm not too happy about that!  Wish me luck.  Then, on Saturday, we take our first family trip to the beach!!!!!  We have never taken Tanner and I am excited to go.  We are also taking our nanny (my little cousin) with us!  I will blog about our epic beach adventure later!  :)


  1. Yay on wearing your little man more! You'll truly appreciate that time with him! Congrats on your most athletic little dude too! That's wonderful. So glad to your finding the new normal in your world :-) Good luck with your wisdom teeth, and have a BLAST at the beach!

  2. Thanks Vicky!!!! You are too sweet!!! :)

  3. Shaunda I had my wisdom teeth taken out last year and took off 2 days of school. Literally less than 24 hours I went back to school and Pam didn't even believe I had them taken out! No swelling or pain!!! PS... you are such an awesome mommy!

  4. Thanks Katie!!! I am soooooo nervous!! Bobby took off 2 days to be here and help, so hopefully I will get to sleep it off!!! :)
