Friday, July 8, 2011

Flashback Blog: Tanner's birthday

In honor of my big boy turning two, I thought I would do a flashback blog about his actual birthday (June 26th, 2009).
On Thurs. June 24th, Bobby and I were scheduled to be induced at 7 am.  The induction was because of my high blood pressure and protein in my urine, which is a sign of pre-eclampsia.  The night before, Bobby and I ate at Olive Garden and tried to go to bed early.  He seemed to sleep fine, I was sooooooo nervous.  I even told him that if something happens to me, tell Tanner that his mommy loved him very much.  The hospital told us to call in the morning to make sure that they had room for us, and they did!  So off we go!  I tried to eat a little breakfast, but that didn't really happen.
We get to CMC-Pineville and they tell check me.  I am 80% effaced and a whopping 2 centimeters dilated. Do the midwife puts cervil on my cervix and tells me to walk around.  Bobby and I walk a few rounds, then his parents arrive.  They walk with us a few more rounds, then my mom get there.  We all walk around a bit more and my sis-in-law gets there.  At this point I am sick of walking so, we go back to my room and chill.  I am feeling some slight cramping, but nothing major.  They check me, I have dilated to 3 centimeters.  Now time for the pitocin.  They give me the pitocin, the contractions really start, and I request an epidural.  After the epidural, all I kept saying was "Now this is the way to have a baby."  By this time, it's dinner time for everyone (except me, of course) so the crew gets Japanese take out and a dish for me for after the birth.  Then I rested for a bit.  The nurse kept checking me and at 11:00 pm, I was at 10 and she said I could start pushing.  The midwife was in another labor when I started and the nurse said that she can see the head, and he has hair, so if I am a good pusher, she will have to have me stop and wait for the midwife.  I guess, I was not a good pusher because it took me 1 hour and 16 mins. to have Tanner.  When Tanner was born, Bobby, his mom and sister, and my mom were in the room.  What a special moment!  :)  Right after he was born, he had a busted blood vessel on his umbilical cord, so they had to take him over and work on that.  Then I delivered the placenta and that's when things went downhill.  After the placenta comes out, my uterus should have closed, but instead, it didn't and therefore, I hemorrhaged.  I knew something was wrong because the nurse had all of the visitors except Bobby leave and suddenly there were TONS of nurses in there.  I kept telling Bobby that something was wrong, but he said no, everything is fine (even though he knew it wasn't, he was trying to keep me calm.)  They worked on me until about 1:30am and Bobby stayed by my side, holding my hand, the whole time. They still could not getting to bleeding to stop, so they put a sponge in me and told me no food or drink until the morning after I go into the Operating room.  The doc wanted to have more help just in case I was still bleeding  and they had to take out my uterus (aka a hysterectomy). That night, I was on bed rest as I was too weak to get out of bed.  Therefore, Bobby held Tanner all night long.  Tanner slept on his chest and Bobby was smitten!  My mom also ended up sleeping in our hospital room, I think she was worried about me and didn't want to leave.
In the morning, they took me to the OR waiting room, where I waited for almost 2 hours to go into surgery.  They ended up giving me a blood transfusion since I had lost so much blood, then took me into surgery.  When I woke up, they said the bleeding had stopped and I did not have to have a hysterectomy!  YAY!!! I was finally wheeled back to my room to be with my new baby!  Finally, it was my turn to love on Tanner Boo Boo, and I've been doing it ever since!  :)
The difference between Tanner's birth story and Brennan's is like night and day, but in the end, we got two healthy, happy babies....what more could one ask for?

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