Thursday, July 28, 2011

In your child, you will see yourself

The more Tanner's personality comes out, the more I see myself in him.  He is shy (in new situations), emotional, and loving.  He started summer school 3 weeks ago.  Summer school is more like a camp.  They have a cooking day and a water day each week, plus, they go Mon-Thurs.  The night before his first day, we talked about going to school (he had been out for a month) and meeting new friends, playing, etc.  He started kind of whimpering, but didn't cry.  Then, the next day, he was up really early (I think because he was anxious about school).  On our way to school, he continued to whine/whimper and suck his thumb.  I could tell, it would not be an easy goodbye.  When we got into his new classroom, we didn't see any of his friends from last year.  So, we meet his teachers and I sit down with him on the floor and show him a fire truck.  There is another little boy playing with a train beside of us.  He is older than Tanner and starts talking to him about trains and trucks.  Tanner played for a second, then I told him that I had to go bye bye......That's when things went south!  He started really crying and screaming.  I kissed him and told him I would be back in a little while.  His teacher, Mrs. Martha, picked him up and I left him still crying.  On the way out, I saw the director, Mrs. Katie.  She asked if that was Tanner she could hear crying.  I said yes and that his last teacher got him with snacks in the beginning.  Mrs. Katie said "Ok, I'll try that and I'll call you if I need too."  So I left feeling like I wanted to cry too.  When I came to pick him up, Mrs. Katie said that he calmed down after a few minutes and going into the gym to ride a bike.  When I walk into his room, he yells "Nonny" and runs to hug me.  Best moment ever!!!!
That night, we talked about school and his new teachers.  Anytime I said anything about school, he would fake cry.  I tried to tell him no, we say "yaaaaay" when we are talking about school.  It didn't work, but was worth a try!  The next day, same thing on the way to school and same thing when I dropped him off....crying, screaming, sad Mommy.  When I picked him up, Mrs. Katie told me that from now on, his class (the ones and twos) will be dropped off in the gym because Tanner and a few others do better in there.  So the next day, I drop him off in the gym and he runs away, right over to a bike.  The rest is history.  He has been so excited to go to school and ride on the bikes!  Today was the last day of summer school, so he will be out of school for the month of August.  But, when he goes back, a few of his friends from the summer will be in his class, so that will be nice.  Hopefully, we will have an easier transition, but I am not holding my breath about it.   I can sympathize with how Tanner feels because I am also nervous and shy in new situations.  Even as a teacher, I would get anxious about the first day of school.  Thankfully, it gets easier the more you do it, and Tanner will have plenty of practice before Kindergarten!  :)  


  1. It's wild isn't it. Wait till he gets older and snaps at you, then you realize he got that from you too, lol! ;-P Great post! I love reading your updates considering we don't talk nearly enough!

  2. I already see him copying some not so nice things I do! :/ me when you get a chance, I am always here!! :)
